Sunday, 8 October 2017

In depth analysis of 3 videos in your music genre

The music genre our music would generally follow is narrative/ concept narrative. Examples, of narrative videos are:
This video follows narrative conventions as it starts by trying to tell a story. This story thus gains the audiences attention. This follows Todorov's theory in a sense as it begins somewhat happy and then audience sees the boy lose his brother. This music video shows genre through the use of shots that highlights the importance of the boys in the story. This is done by them commanding the edit and the camera movement.

Editing, Cinematography and M-E-S:

How is this video creative?
This video is creative as it uses a number of post production effects to highlight the importance of the storyline, for example, the ghost like reflection in the Mirror. The use of these effects are important as it adds continuity to the storyline and helps with audience understanding. Furthermore, the creative way in which the focus on the boys is created is also important as it allows for the audience to follow their story in a interesting way. The special makeup used in this video is also creative as it brings the M-E-S forward to the audience and makes it more interesting as well as creative. In my music video I could also use post-product effects and editing to make the video more visually interesting to the viewer.

A narrative music video also tries to provide an emotional connection for the audience. Usually through the use of children or young people that the audience may be able to relate to. For example, the audience in this video may be able to relate to her inter conflict of wanting to be powerful. This video shows genre of the concept of her wanting power through the use of her not commanding the edit, but in a sense she is allowing the camera to follow her rather than commanding it to. This allows for the audience to understand the genre as they can decode she doesn't have enough power in the shot to command it, which suggests why she needs the costume in order to feel powerful.

Editing, Cinematography and M-E-S:
How is it creative?

This video is also effective in the way is uses bright lighting to suggest the girls innocence, which further supports the concept of her fighting for power. Furthermore, the M-E-S, such as, costuming also supports this idea as it allows the audience to decode the idea that she wants to have the powers of a superhero. The lighting is also effective as the glare on the camera lens makes the video more visually appealing and adds depth to the shot. Finally, the colour isolation that is used on her eyes is also effective as it shows her inner emotions. In my music video I will also use colour isolation and it brings more visual appeal to a shot and highlights key aspects.

Narrative videos also tend to have direct connections between visuals and lyrics, however, if these connections aren't direct then they can be inferred. For example, in this video the idea of being far away can be seen through the fire fighter who does not get to spend a lot of time with his loved ones. This video shows genre through the concept of fighting for love. It is shown through acting that even though the firefighter knows that his loved one does not what to see him go that he still goes because he wants to save lives. 

Editing, Cinematography and M-E-S:

How is it creative?

This video is creative as it uses natural sources of lighting throughout the video. This includes the use of bright sunlight, but also firelight, which makes the visuals link to the firefighter at all times. This also makes the video more aesthetically appealing. Furthermore, the use of a focus pull allows for the viewer to see the importance of the phone call at the beginning of the video as this focus change directly diverts the visuals in the video. The video also uses an effect which makes the edges of the screen faded. This is creative as if it gives a softer look to the video and provokes the viewer to put thought into what they are seeing and decode it. I will use these ideas in my music video by using natural lighting from flames also to make the visual look truly effective. 

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Final Music video