Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Experimenting with creativity - M-E-S

 We believe that our most creative still is the one where the actor is blowing out the candle and the flame has morphed into a different shape, we feel as though the lighting reflects how the actor is feeling. It is important to be able to portray how the actor is feeling through M-E-S as this further installs the concepts into the audience. It allows for the audience to foreshadow events and to gain a better understanding of the preferred reading.
We feel as though our least effective still is the birds eye view of the actor behind the curtain, because it doesn't convey the actors emotions. Also it is not very creative in terms of M-E-S as it does not hold any interesting props or ideas. Furthermore, as the actor can not be seen fully it does not allow for expression to be shown correctly.

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