Friday, 29 December 2017

Kim Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Draft Version 5 Music Video

Draft version 4 Music Video

Draft Version 3 Music Video

This rough cut video shows the changes we have made to our storyboard to show that we have decided to take on a different approach in terms of the idea. We use the roughcut to gain audience feedback that will allow for us to again develop our media product.

Draft Version 2 Music Video

Changes to props

during the story boarding process we had thought to use organza in the woods to show the mystery and craziness of the actors life, however when filmed it appeared tacky and un-thought through. This led us to the decision that we would not use the organza since we wanted our video to look professional.

Props used in music video

These props follow audience expectations because the song is rather depressive and the lyrics talk about blindness, therefore the need for a blindfold. The instruments help portray the band and follows the codes and conventions of the music genre. The alcohol represents the actor as in need of help, showing how she is slowly drowning and needs saving. 

Target audience interview on final and giving feedback

Feedback on social media for locations

from this feedback i have come to the conclusion that we need to re-evaluate and decide on some more creative locations, although our target audience likes the locations we have chosen, they also believe that they are not exceptional and can be improved as they re rather common and boring.

Final feedback

We have seen from this feedback that the video quality is still not good enough and we will be re-filming again to improve this. We have also seen from this feedback that our shots and m-e-s is not creative enough, we will also be re-filming to correct this. One thing the audience did really like was the editing, whiich we worked hard on to make sure that it fitted vernallis' theory.

Research into Vlogs with Audience Analysis

Numerous YouTube vloggers will post their reactions to new releases and music videos, this whether positive or negative will show their growing audience and the production company of the music video what the audience likes or dislikes, they can then adapt their music videos to the new trends and audience preferences, submitting to the codes and conventions.

Throughout the video Dante D'Angelo comments on how Demi looks and how she is also promoting all sorts of products. This makes it seem important and so the production company will continue following that path of marketing, making the artist even more popular. Because Dante is posting these reaction videos it is promoting and marketing the artists music video at the same time, however this is not always the case as the vloggers can either do a positive review or a negative review, which has the potential to ruin the artists career.

We intend to create our own reaction videos with our target audience for our music video and upload them to YouTube to ensure that we are following the codes and conventions of what our audience expects. 

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Storyboard changes

this is our initial storyboard which was very basic, had extremely long shots and little lip-syncing 

this is our updated storyboard with flaps to cover the longest segments of scenes and we have also included lots of lip-syncing that will subvert audiences expectations because it will be sung by a girl

Pictures of actors

Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

I chose these actors because they fit the codes and conventions of our music video. They not only look the part but will also be able to act the part as they are a couple.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Analysis of Fonts

These fonts could work within our genre as its more curled look with make it standout next to other fonts. These would also work for our digipack as the fonts almost look handwritten which fits with the idea of not only our music video being about binary opposites, but also being about a narrative of someone finding something new. These fonts have a feeling of continuous flow to them which also suggests the idea of someone being connected back together after losing love and finding a new version of themselves. However, I believe many of these fonts would only work in a larger size otherwise they would not be readable when small.

Final Music video