Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Work In Progress (Half-term filming)

Over half term we did some filming with one of our main actors in order to gain some raw footage. We are going to use this raw footage to practice editing and to improve our lip-syncing skills.
WWW- We used a variety of locations in order to show creative M-E-S.
EBI- We used various different lighting techniques.

Updated Lip-sync practice

By doing more lip-sync practice it will mean that I will be able to lip-sync correctly when doing so in the music video, which will make the video professional looking and effective. Next time I would try to edit together different shots whilst lip syncing to improve my lip-syncing skills even further.

Changes to Actors (Introducing new characters)

Update: Whilst storyboarding we decided to add two new characters to our music video. One to represent the darkness invading and taking over control. Another to support the concept of her being taken over by the darkness. To show that other people are also blinded and end up losing their way.

Photographs of our Actors

This is Lewis he will be one of our main actors. The other main actor we will be using for our music video is myself (Kim). We have chose to use this actor as we believe he fits well with the brand identity portrayed by the artist we have chosen. Furthermore, we feel that this actor will follow the expectations of the audience and fulfil the correct representation.

Storyboard Changes

We decided to make our music video more creative and professional looking we would add more lip-syncing to the video. This lip-syncing will be done by the main female character.

Storyboard Changes

(initial storyboard)

(updated story board)
Throughout story boarding we have added layers of post-it notes over our original ideas. We did this because we wanted to add more interesting content to our music video and show more of our skill set. 

Audience feedback on snapchat

Audience feedback on snapchat (test/raw)

Audience feedback on Facebook


Storyboard changes work in progress (during filming)

Audience Feedback on Facebook (Raw footage)

Audience Feedback Instagram (Test/Raw footage)

Photographs from filming

These are some photos that I took whilst filming some scenes in Naomi's Garden. 

Technical difficulties

When preparing for filming we had trouble deciding in a safe to create the fire in one of our shots. We decided that it would be best that we tried to use a green screen to create the effect of the girl being surrounded by fire as this would still make the video creative, but also lower health and safety risks.

Audience feedback on Twitter (Test/ Raw footage)

Monday, 6 November 2017


Work in progress - storyboarding

We worked together as a team to come up with well formed ideas, this helped us to structure our storyboard in a simple and comprehensive way. We hope that the audience will be able to see the product of our planning in our final music video. However when working on our storyboard we had to figure out some health and safety issues which have now been evaluated and concluded.

Work in progress - raw/test footage

During half term we filmed three rough sequences of videos in three different locations using our main actor and music. This allowed for us to have footage to practice lip syncing and editing with. It also allowed for us to test our music.
WWW- We used somewhat creative locations and varied out lighting.
EBI- We used more creative outfit choices to replicate outfits we would use in our video.

Footage of locations

Friday, 3 November 2017

Raw/Test Footage

Props list

These are some of the props we will use in our music video including a blindfold, record player and motorbike.

In depth analysis of videos produced by other students

How does this music video show genre?
This video hints at the idea of the focus being on the girls image. Suggesting this video is based towards more of a image/ concept genre. This is done through her being often seen throughout the video and close up on her. 
Editing, Cinematography and M-E-S:

How is it creative? 

This video is creative as it uses many different editing techniques in order to make the cinematography exciting. It suggests the importance of editing in music videos as the cinematography that is used is very simple, however , they have gained their creative effect through other means, for example, layering images and using a mirroring effect. In my music video I was use similar ideas to make sure the editing is creative, which will thus lead to the video itself being interesting to watch.

How does this music video show genre?
This video shows the genre of performance throughout the video as it always comes back to the band playing even it diverts the attention away from them to show more of a narrative or storyline. This video also uses close ups on instruments and performers to show the focus on the musical element of the video. 

Editing, Cinematography and M-E-S:

How is it creative? 

This video is creative as the acting that is used within the video fits the upbeat pace of the song. This is important as it allows for the audience to associate what they are seeing with what they are hearing. Furthermore, the way in which lighting is used through M-E-S highlights the acting as well as makes the video more aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, the contrast between the elements filmed during the day and at night brings creative view to the video and variation. When creating my video I was also use filming during the day and at night to bring some variation to the lighting as well as making sure that different lighting is used to make the M-E-S creative and interesting to the viewer.

Editing Practice

Health and Safety

Final Music video